
Nourishment after Birth in the Fourth Trimester feeding window postpartum doula recipes trusted professionals referral directory


Nourishing your body after giving birth can be a challenge.  Asking for what you need to recover and heal is a skill and process.  Today I’m connecting with Stephanie Gleason who is a postpartum doula  from Au Petit Jour and she shares some tips and ways you...

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 10 Reasons to Get Postpartum Doula Support infant care matrescence newborn newborn sleep parental support postpartum doula sleep for parents

Bringing a new baby into the world is a beautiful and transformative experience, but it can also be overwhelming and exhausting. As a Gentle Sleep Coach, Educator, Infant Feeding Specialist, and Postpartum Doula, I've been there, and I understand the challenges that new parents face. That's why I...

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