
Ep. 15- Part 3 Raising Hounds & Humans- Frustration to Progress- How's it really going? infant newborn parenthood pet ownership podcast preschool toddler




Today we dive into the journey of parenting, dog ownership and all the challenges life throws our way.  Have you had those moments when you feel like you're at the end of your rope?  Whether it's parenting struggles, dealing with a high needs pet, or any other...

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Ep. 14 Bedtime Battles: Why is my child fighting me at bedtime? bedtime infant preschool sleep tips toddler


Bedtime battles - we've all been there, right? Whether it's a newborn, an infant, a toddler, or even a preschooler, those nightly battles and protests can leave both parent and child feeling exhausted and frustrated. We're going to uncover the reasons behind these battles and explore...

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Ep. 13- Navigating Temperament and Parenting Styles for Better Sleep flexible routines infant learning styles newborn parenting styles preschool temperament toddler


Welcome to another episode where we dive into the world of parenting and sleep. I'm here to shed light on how your child's temperament and your parenting style might be influencing your sleep journey.

Let's begin by unpacking temperament.

Think of it as the unique blueprint that...

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Daylight Saving Time Tips: A Gentle Transition for Your Child's Sleep daylight saving time infant preschool spring forward time change toddler

 As we gear up for the upcoming Daylight Saving Time, it's essential to prepare for potential shifts in your child's sleeping schedule. Don't worry, I've got your back with some quick sleep tips to make this transition smoother than ever.

Embrace the Power of Naps:

Ensure your child gets...

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